Brooklyn Wedding in December: Liz + Irvin

We cannot believe that we are rounding up and nearing the end of this tumultuous, adventurous year of 2020. Like many people across the world, we have had many highs and lows this year. We have had the safe haven of our families to share tears and joys with, regarding the things we experienced this year, including losses, new diagnoses and other changes, big moves with loved ones, and new life. We have had the gift of faith to keep us going through it all. Through honest prayer, our hearts continue to be with those who are struggling, suffering, and facing continued challenges. We are reminded that Love is truly the most important aspect of our lives, and that Love continues to be worth cultivating and celebrating.

There is no better time to celebrate Love and Life than during the Christmas season (we say ‘season’ because Christmas is not just one day!). This year also marks our second Christmas together in our home, and since it’s been such a tough year, we are putting up more decorations, keeping it simple, and planning for some lasting Christmas traditions of our own. We asked each other, What are some of your favorite childhood Christmas traditions?, and then slowly, are building on them, to create memories as we expand in our own growing family.

December also highlights a photography first for us: our first full day, solo wedding (Thanks Liz+Irvin for trusting us with such a special job!!). Last year, we were so nervous and so darn excited to be part of Liz+Irvin’s December wedding day. So, this also means that the lovely Liz+Irvin are coming up on their one year anniversary!! Congratulations you two!!

We are so excited to finally share some of our favorite images from their gorgeous December Wedding. They wedding was hosted at Deity in Brooklyn, New York, which is truly an amazing wedding venue that got us all in our romantic feels (we have some behind the scene images on our Instagram, in the ‘about us’ highlight reel if you want to see more). Without further ado, please enjoy some of our favorite images captured from their beautiful December wedding day here below.

Oh, P.S. We are so excited to see these two again soon for their maternity session, as they welcome a baby girl very very soon! Love is amazing like that. Please join us in keeping Liz+Irvin in our prayers, for continued health, blessings, and all the adventures Love will bring, for many years to come. Coronavirus is not canceling Love!!

Our Photography Favorites | 2018

Um, what? We cannot believe that it is yet another year of us getting to do this, and to do it together. God is blessing us in this storm and we are so GRATEFUL for the opportunities we have had this past year. Well, the last months of this last year have been so needed, and refinement and pruning is a necessary process yall (Can I get an ‘Amen?’).

We do have so much catch up to do with sharing more images on our blog, but here are just some our 2018 FAVORITES. This will be so fun to look over in the years to come, to see our progress and our growth, and to reminisce in the beautiful memories of the beautiful couples and families, and persons, we have met along the way.

We hold you in our prayers. May this new year , 2019, be UNPRECEDENTED in Love for you and your loved ones.

The New Year is a good reminder, that just like every new day, you can start over, be better than the year before, than the day before. And that it’s always worth it to continue: onward and upward!

This is our first picture together as an engaged couple! So this is our favorite picture of all time so far. Just a couple more months <3 2019 we can’t wait!!

This is our first picture together as an engaged couple! So this is our favorite picture of all time so far. Just a couple more months <3 2019 we can’t wait!!


With love and scenescerity,

Tim + Steph

your photographers